One Coder Agency – 3-Steps Framework for building one-man WordPress agency that lasts

It’s hard to run a WordPress agency – especially if you are a solo-preneur.

Have you ever wondered how you could run a sustainable one-man WordPress agency without having to constantly looking for more clients?

Just over 6 years ago, Nathan was struggling with his web design business – trying to sell RM 500 e-commerce website to potential clients.

Fast forward today, he serves clients from different sectors, including private corporations, government agencies, non-profits, as well as startups.

He charge his clients between RM5,000 (small website) to RM50,000 (high-ticket) per project, and he able to do this without the need of hiring anyone.

In this presentation, he would love to share with you:

-> Why getting more clients does not grow your agency – in fact it’s making it worse.

-> One simple strategy you can implement right away that would massively boost your business profits – even if you only have a handful of clients.

-> How to prepare for *downtime* to make sure your agency is cash flow-positive during project drought.

-> How to position yourself as “Expert” in your marketplace without going to networking events.
