
Check out all the great programming we have planned for WordCamp KL, 25 November!

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Sessions information, especially tracks and time, is liable to change.

Is Your WordPress Website Secure?

Hackers attack WordPress sites both big and small, with over 100 thousand attacks happening per minute. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can protect your WordPress site. WordPress is secure, but the fact is, all websites are targets for hackers – so no one is immune. Even a fresh install of WordPress with nothing on it, and that’s kept up-to-date is still at risk. We’ll discuss the various aspects of making your WordPress site bulletproof!

WordPress for Photographers and Cinematographers

We will talk about the power of WordPress for Photographers:

  • How they can promote their businesses as well as discovering many niches
  • Exploring different income streams for their businesses such as the idea of ‘Selling Lightroom Presets’ and more
  • Great templates that can be used for Photographers, including specific examples

Panel Discussion: Running a WP Dev Agency

Owning and operating a WordPress development agency


Working as a freelance designer/developer in the WordPress economy

A moderated discussion of:

  • The challenges of competition in the freelance/agency WP development space
  • Tips for setting up and running an agency, or freelancing, with WordPress
  • Ways to attract and keep new clients, and how to stand out in your field
  • Rates and how to charge for your work
  • Audience questions and ideas!

We want to include as many voices as we can in this discussion, and branch out into popular topics that aren’t listed above. If you work with WordPress, or are interested in starting, please come and join the discussion!

This is planned as a double-length session, with a break.

Gutenberg for Modern Editing

Learn about Gutenberg, the new editor that is coming to WordPress!

Why Your WordPress Website is Slow – And How to Fix It

Practical steps to address slow page loads and to increase site speed for WordPress sites.

How to Make a Decentralized WordPress Website

PoP is a WordPress framework which aims to break the information monopoly of large Internet corporations by linking autonomous WordPress websites together, allowing them to interact with each other and become part of a wider network composed of different communities. Users from different websites can interact among themselves, without the need to join a centralized service. This way, website owners can keep control of their own data, storing it on their own servers.

We will explore the technical features of the framework, how it works, how to create a website with it and how to integrate it within an ecosystem.

Developing a Gamification Platform on Top of WordPress

Gamification: the art of applying game development techniques outside of a gaming context. This technique helps turn a boring process into a delightful experience – and that can boost business. In this talk, we will learn how to develop successful game techniques and develop a gamification platform using the powerful features of WordPress, including:

  • Custom Post Types
  • Post Status
  • User Meta
  • Taxonomies
  • WordPress REST API & more!

Cloud for WordPress Deployment, Backup and Restore

We will learn how to deploy, back up, and restore WordPress websites using

Panel Discussion: Running a WP Dev Agency (cont’d)

Details TBA.

The Ultimate Soul Spa Called Blogging

Especially designed for beginners and intermediates, this talk will resolve all FAQs and doubts one has while starting a blog. It will help someone who is a newbie in blogging, or stuck in the process. We will learn how blogging can be simplified, and how to boost content marketing.

WebVR and New Technologies

A presentation on WebVR (Web Virtual Reality) and what it means for the web, today and into the future. Points covered include:

  1. WebVR Overview
  2. VR Platforms
  3. VR Content
    1. Photospheres and Galleries
    2. Video content in VR
    3. Rest API and VR Content
  4. WebVR Frameworks
  5. WebVR tools for WordPress
  6. Whats next for Web VR

During the presentation we showcase different VR platforms. Real Open Source code you can use and ways to incorporate VR into your websites.

After this talk you will be equipped to start using VR on your websites in ways that help businesses get results from Virtual Reality Content.

How to Build a Business Around WordPress

WordPress is the fastest growing Content Management System, with a market share of 59.7% of all websites that use CMS. We will talk about various business models that have proved successful in the ever-expanding WordPress arena. If you’re a designer or developer looking to leverage your expertise in WordPress to build a business, let’s just say you have quite a few options to consider.

Create Your Own Community Blog And Empower Your Users

Creating great content that’s interesting to people on your WordPress blog can prove challenging at times. Asking for your community members’ opinions is awesome, and people love to share.

Let your community not only share their thoughts in comments, but also empower them to create value for your blog. New content means new traffic, new traffic means new visitors and returning ones – all that cumulates to great growth.

Creating a community blog where you still control the content does not have downsides.

Why WordPress and WooCommerce is the Right Choice for New Marketplace Startup

This presentation will share personal experience on why WooCommerce is the right choice for e-commerce WordPress websites. We will cover the reasons for this, and talk about how WordPress and WooCommerce can deliver a solution that would take months and years to develop in other platforms.

In addition, we will learn how we solve the security and speed issues that can occur when running a site that uses many plugins to add rich features.

Managing Your Online Presence on Google Search

Google Search is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web, handling more than three billion searches each day. In this session, we will learn how to optimize our WordPress websites for users, and for Google searches.

We will also explore tools that Google offers for managing your online presence. This session is suitable for website or business owners as well as web developers who want to learn more about Google organic search.